Sunday, May 05, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Francis, Tyrone, and Eep
I've been drawing these three characters for years. The first two (Francis and Tyrone) sense as early as the seventh grade(1990-91), and Eep sense the year I entered art school(1998). Their designs have evolved quite a bit, and I've developed their relationships a lot sense I was a kid, but their personalities have stayed pretty much the same. I've been working on a story pitch recently that involves these three, and I'm pretty excited about it!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Fun with Animals!!!
Lately I've been taking these quick trips over to the Los Angeles Zoo, which is no more than a five minute drive from where I currently work. It's a damn good excuse to get away from the office and get some air for an hour or so, but more importantly it gives me the frequent opportunity to draw and caricature live animals...

Friday, June 29, 2007
Hey Everybody! If you've been visiting my blog for a while now, you're probable familiar with my Genghis Khan Character.
My take on the Historic Figure's Larger than life persona. I began developing the character for a short film about two years ago, and although the film got put on the back burner for MANY reasons, my Buddie Rafael Toledo surprised me the other day with this AWESOME drawing of my stocky, short tempered little character. Almost makes me want to jump start the fun little film and get it going again. You can find a link to Raf's blog in my links list to the right to view more of his work.